
Family owned investment company

Founded by Torvald Klaveness in 1946. KM is a family owned investment firm and is today owned by second and third generation.
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We believe that the best way to create strong risk-adjusted returns over time is to own the best assets for the long term.

Klaveness Marine
Demonstrating consistency of performance, AUM now exceeds NOK 6 billion. Meaningful diversification is key to stable performance over time.
Gruppebilde 2024

Looking back
– moving forward

We are a team of long-standing, responsible professionals investing capital in four distinct areas: Maritime, Real estate, New energy and Financial investments.

We integrate sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment framework. We believe that sustainability factors have a material impact on companies’ long-term returns.
1946 - 2023

Klaveness Marine Holding was established as a consequence of the functional split of the Torvald Klaveness Group.


Mr. Torvald Klaveness became a trusted partner

Throughout his career, Mr. Torvald Klaveness wanted to do business in such a way that he became a trusted partner. In turn, he put his trust in the resourceful people around him and particularly in the captains and crew. It came as no surprise that he was carried to his final resting place by six of his Norwegian captains when he passed away in 1996.

The many innovations were the result of strong technical capabilities combined with a thorough understanding of the customers’ challenges

Mr. Torvald Klaveness’ interest in developing new trades led him to partner with governments and companies in South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and the former Soviet Union. The partnerships and the pools enabled Klaveness to develop shipping solutions with a scale he could not have accomplished alone.

New and creative solutions

Mr. Torvald Klaveness believed that he had to provide cost efficient and predictable transport services to his customers, and that he had to find new and creative ways to do so. Loading and discharging with vessels’ crew and equipment, new ways to transport hitherto difficult commodities, and creating trading patterns that minimized ballast were some of his hallmarks.

Klaveness ordered six selfunloading bulk carriers of 16,500 dwt

In 1960, Klaveness ordered six selfunloading bulk carriers of 16,500 dwt together with three Norwegian partners: Meyer, Hjalmar Røed and Gill-Johannessen. The vessels became the start of Bulkhandling in 1963, one of the first shipping pools ever.

Specialized bulk carriers, for the transportation of fertilizer and alumina

In 1956, Klaveness built one of the first specialized bulk carriers, for the transportation of fertilizer and alumina. Six years later, Klaveness also became the first to transport cement in bulk.

Mr. Torvald Klaveness soon expanded into brokering of reefer vessels and was during 1946 – 2000 the world’s major operator in this field.


Mr. Torvald Klaveness established a shipping company

In 1946, Mr. Torvald Klaveness established a shipping company. His idea was to provide the management of Norwegian flag ships commercially controlled by an American shipowner. The Torvald Klaveness Group was built on the philosophy of partnership; providing capital, risk sharing, opinions and business.